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After Play

Savant: Ascent

15 November 2014


10 Nov 2014 - 14 Nov 2014

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5

Plot synopsis

As a powerful wizard, it is of course your purview to wreak mighty magics upon the world. It was during one such investigation into the limits of your power when there was a mighty breach into another dimension. Ejected from your wizard's tower, now you must ascend the handy-dandy elevator to the very top, battling the demons on your way to seal the breach and restore order before it tears the land apart.


A pretty fun shoot-em up. Usually these games have spaceships, but this game does a good job with a wizard's magic missile against hordes of demons. There's the ever-crucial dodge roll to get out of the way of incoming shots, and the bad guys can take quite a few hits before going down, so making sure your shots hit and hit the right bad guy is crucial.

The art is spectacular, the sound design - especially the soundtrack - is spot-on, and the gameplay is a lot of fun without being too challenging. Of course, I was playing on a significantly low difficulty, so it's probably better with a higher challenge.

My only real complaint is that the game is too short. Ascending the tower could possibly be twice as long without affecting the gameplay too much, and I don't think there's any danger of players burning out before they reach the top.

Oh, and the identity of the boss at the top of the tower? Hilarious. And somehow fitting.

Final verdict

Great shoot-em-up. If you like the genre, this is a must-have, even if it s a little short. It's largely a score-attack game, though, and you'll be fighting to get those few extra points for a long time.

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