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After Play


28 September 2015

Episodes ran

2 Sep 2015 - 26 Sep 2015


Plot synopsis

The gods have abandoned the world. Humanity has become a plague upon the land, so Zeus has decreed that it's time to start over. But one god secretly disagrees, and conspires with a single human to end the gods, instead.


I really like the style of the game. The artwork takes full inspiration from the art of the time, and it's often like looking at the side of a grecian urn.

The gameplay is a little clunky. Reponse times could be better, and it's all too easy to be killed to a mistimed attack or parry. There seems to be a hidden wind-up time that takes a lot of getting used to, something that doesn't seem to exist for the enemies, though they are wielding the same weapons.

The powers that you acquire throughout the game seem largely useless. I was hoping for something more in line with a metroidvania, but the only use the powers really seem to have is to open a door for you. There's very little you can do with the powers that help you take down a boss - the light from Apollo, for instance, only goes so far, so when a later boss casts darkness, he's still able to attack from an unseen position. Never mind that I have the power of the SUN; he's still out of my sight.

I hesitate to say that the plot is silly, but it does go a little above and beyond what history would support. Usually there's at least a fig leaf to say "this is how it really happened," but I don't see how that could possibly be true here. It does establish that the protagonist has basically gained all the powers of all the gods, and so can make the world anew - but it will have to be anew. Zeus basically won. By the time the hero worked his bloody way through the heavens, everyone on earth was wiped out. Funny how the history books don't mention the total obliteration of all humanity.

Nitpicking of the plot aside, the game is fun, but it's largely just good to look at. Take almost any still from the game, and there's a story to be told there. I think it could have been served better by a better plot - but then again, stomping around Earth as a god was fun, and I'm not sure what else that could have been replaced by that would have been better.

Final verdict

Either play it or watch someone else play it.

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